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WANDE/万德 主题设施-塔楼
WANDE/万德 主题设施-塔楼
WANDE/万德 主题设施-塔楼
WANDE/万德 主题设施-塔楼
WANDE/万德 主题设施-塔楼
WANDE/万德 主题设施-塔楼
WANDE/万德 主题设施-塔楼
WANDE/万德 主题设施-塔楼

WANDE/万德 主题设施-塔楼

  • 所属分类:儿童游乐设施
  • 发布日期:2022-07-13


  • 产品概述


Magic cool design fun tower

巍巍树立的高塔,承载起儿童对于城市高搭的无限遐想,魔力酷趣塔是探索建筑形态、结构和儿童主体的结合,极简的几何元素融入了产品,外观艺术在动态中进行几何形式和元素的构造,契合现代追求纯粹的理念,也代表着跨越与成长。超现代的童真、稳重的色彩、威严的主题、欢乐的装饰、聚合式的设计是想象力与想象力的碰描 诱明的结构吸引着各个年险段的孩子们进去探索 乐趣遍布楼搭的各个层次 带着想象力来冒险吧!

lhe towering towers bear children s infinite reveries of the urbeu towers The megic oxol toumer is a conbinatio of exlcring architectural ftom strurture and childrn's siect Minimlist gemtric elements blend into pooduet repeauraunce art Crnstruction of gometric forIs and elemgnts in dynamics In line with mderm prsit of pure ideas,it als rexesents leap and gronth Ultra-ncdern irroocnce, solid olors, mejestic themes,joos deooratias Collisia of' imgiratic ad inwiruticn in otnetwnt cksia Transreit struture attroxcts childran o allws to) plrre Fr is at all levels of the tower,let's TAKE adventure with imagination!




The square "boxes"overlap and displace each other,forming a unique fun play spece Integrating different wys of playing to create a"mze"-lile intenral structume Inteplaying the mgic of spece in layers Divese craling, climbing ad slide elerents mke up different exploratic routes Grid gp in the bx, extending the interaxctio between insid and outside The metal frare is hard and solid, sfe and loair-bearing Cmbined with the rem wood mterial,it takes advantage of childrun's nturl closeness to the wnd material."hmpty"and "real",staggering infinite space possibility in childhood



WANDE/万德 主题设施-塔楼
WANDE/万德 主题设施-塔楼
WANDE/万德 主题设施-木偶
WANDE/万德 主题设施-PE板材


24小时热线:18971680813  办公热线:027-85322583

展厅地址:中国·武汉·汉口常青路福星惠誉·福星城 7幢36-38号(1-4F)
